Corporate History

Corporate History


1952Foundation. Takashi Nogawa started adhesives research.
1955Japanese Nation first synthetic rubber-based adhesive completed. Sales started to Shoes Making Industry.
1958Japanese Nation first adhesive applied in compressed air-sprayed completed, and widely used in Automobile and Railcar Vehicle industry. 
1962Nogawa Chemical Co., Ltd. founded.
1964Kawaguchi Factory completed
1968DIASHEET manufacturing facility completed. 
Hiroshima Sales office opened.
1969Nagoya Sales office opened.
1973Fukuoka Sales office opened.
1976Kawaguchi Factory acquired JIS certification.
1979Introduce SGA technology from Dupont.USA.
1984Transferred technology through technical cooperation with Yochi Trande Co.of South Korea.
1993Shanghai Nogawa Chemical Co. founded.
1995Ibaraki Factory completed.
2001ISO 14001 certification acquired.
2002ISO 9001 certification acquired.
2003OHSAS 18001 (ISO45001)certification acquired.
2004155 types of environment-friendly adhesives developed.
2006Environment elastic adhesive,"DX691F" completed
2008Completed for polyolefin elastic adhesive,"DX748A"
2009Shanghai Nogawa Chemical,100% owned subsidiary the "Nogawa Chemical(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd" and changed the name.

International Railway Industry Standard (IRIS) certification acquired.